1. Yamada K, Asada K, Hanzawa K, Aoki Y, Nakajima K, Kinoshita M, Developing
Method for Minor Acidic O-Glycan Analysis in Mucin and Cancer Cell Samples,
J. Proteome res., 23 (2024) 4254-4272 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jproteome.4c00240
2 .Miki T, Yamamoto S, Liu S, Torikai K, Kinoshita M, Matsumori N, Kawai
T,Highly sensitive two-dimensional profiling of N-linked glycans by hydrophilic
interaction liquid chromatography and dual stacking capillary gel electrophoresis,
Anal. Chim. Acta, 1320 (2024) 342990 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2024.342990
1. Yamamoto S, Kato N, Wada M, Kinoshita N, A rapid and convenient enzyme digestion method for the analysis of N-glycans using exoglycosidase-impregnated polyacrylamide gels fabricated in an automatic pipette tip, Anal. Sci., 39 (2023) 1041-1046 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s44211-023-00314-8
1. Yamamoto S, Miyawakii N, Kawakami N, Kinoshita N, Suzuki S, Study of
HPLC Separation and Fractionation of 8-aminopyrene-1, 3, 6-trisulfonic
Acid Labeled N-glycans Using a Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography Column,
BUNSEKIKAGAKU, 71 (2022) 333-339 DOI: https://doi.org/10.2116/bunsekikagaku.71.333
2. Morikawa Y, Nishiwaki K, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S, Nakanishi I, Development
of a cost-effective laser diode-induced fluorescence detection instrument
for cyanide detection , Anal. Sci., 38 (2022) 437-442 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s44211-022-00065-y
1. Yamamoto S, Yano S, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S, In Situ Pinpoint Photopolymerization of Phos-Tag Polyacrylamide Gel in
Poly(dimethylsiloxane)/Glass Microchip for Specific Entrapment, Derivatization,
and Separation of Phosphorylated Compounds, Gels.,7 (2021) 268 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/gels7040268
2. Kinoshita M, Yamada K, Recent advances and trends in sample preparation and chemical modification
for glycan analysis, J. Pharm.Biomed. Anal., 207 (2022) 114424 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2021.114424
3. Kinoshita M, Nakajima K, Yamamoto S, Suzuki S, High-throughput N-glycan screening method for therapeutic antibodies
using a microchip-based DNA analyzer: a promising methodology for monitoring
monoclonal antibody N-glycosylation, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 413 (2021) 4727-4735
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-021-03434-0
4. Yamamoto S, Maetani K, Tatsumi G, Okada F, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S, Nylon Monofilament Mold Three-dimensional Microfluidic Chips
for Size-exclusion Microchip Electrophoresis: Application to Specific Online
Preconcentration of Proteins, Anal. Sci., 37 (2021) 1511-1516 DOI: https://doi.org/10.2116/analsci.21P080
5. Hioki M, Kobayashi H, Kinoshita M, Yamamoto S, Suzuki S, Chromatographic Performance of an Amine/amino-bonded Column
and a Monolithic Reversed-Phase Column for the Separation of Fluorescently
Labeled Glycoprotein Glycans, Chromatography, 42 (2021) 99-107 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15583/jpchrom.2021.005.
6. Kinoshita M, Nakayani Y, Yamada K, Yamamoto S, Suzuki S, A rapid and facile preparation of APTS-labeled N-glycans by combination of ion pair-assisted extraction and HILIC-SPE for routine glycan analysis, J. Pharm.Biomed. Anal. 195 (2021) 113875 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2020.113875
1. Yamamoto S, Ueda M, Kasai M, Ueda Y, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S, A fast and
convenient solid phase preparation method for releasing N-glycans from
glycoproteins using trypsin- andpeptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase F)-impregnated
polyacrylamide gels fabricated in a pipette tip, J, Pharm. Biomed. Anal.
(2020) 112995.
2. Kinoshita M, Saito A, Yamamoto S, Suzuki S, A practical method for preparing
fluorescent-labeled glycans with a 9-fluorenylmethyl derivative to simplify
a fluorimetric HPLC-based analysis, J, Pharm. Biomed. Anal. (2020) 113267.
3. Kishimoto Y, Okada F, Maesako T, Yamamoto S, Kinoshita M, Hayakawa T, Suzuki
S,Analysis of 2-aminopyridine labele d glycans by dual-mode online solid
phase extraction for hydrophilic interaction and reversed-phase liquid
chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A (2020) 461194.
4. Kinoshita M, Yamamoto S, Suzuki S, Age-Related Changes in O‑Acetylation of Sialic Acids Bound to N‑Glycans of Male Rat Serum Glycoproteins and Influence of Dietary Intake on Their Changes, ACS Omega (2020) 18608-18618
1. Yamamoto S, Fujiwara H, Maruyama K, Tanaka Y, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S,
Simultaneous determination of inorganic anions and cations in water and
biological samples by capillary electrophoresis with a capacitive coupled
contactless conductivity detector using capillary filling method, Anal.
Sci.(2019) 295-300.
2. Yamamoto S, Hayashi Y, Matsunaga H,Okada F, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S, Analysis
of 2-Aminobenzoic Acid-Labeled Monosaccharides and Glycoprotein-Derived
Oligosaccharides by Online Cleanup Liquid Chromatography in the Reversed-Phase
and Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Modes, Chromatography
(2019) 65-70
3. Utamura N, Yamamoto S, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S, A new separation mode for non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis using
excess adsorption of cationic electrolytes, BUNSEKI KAGAKU (2019) 859-864.
1. Yamamoto S, Okada F, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S,On-line microchip electrophoresis-mediated
preconcentration of cationic compounds utilizing cationic polyacrylamide
gels fabricated by in situ photopolymerization, Analyst (2018) 4429-4435.
2. Yamada K, Kayahara H, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S,Simultaneous Analysis of
Sulfated and Phosphorylated Glycans by Serotonin-Immobilized Column Enrichment
and Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography, Anal. Chem. (2018) 8387-8395
3. Yamamoto S, Nishida N, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S,On-line derivatization
and concentration of aspartic acid using in situ photopolymerized carboxylic
acid type polyacrylamide gels as a permselective preconcentrator, Chromatography
(2018) 125-130
4. Yamamoto S, Kinoshita M, Ikegami T, Suzuki S, High-performance liquid
chromatographic separation of 8-aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid labeled
N-glycans using a functional tetrazole hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography
column, J. Chromatogr. A (2018) 44-162
1. Yamagami M, Matsui Y, Hayakawa T, Yamamoto S, Kinoshita M Suzuki S,
Plug-plug kinetic capillary electrophoresis for in-capillaryexoglycosidase
digestion as a profiling tool for the analysis ofglycoprotein glycans Oligosaccharides,
J. Chromatogr. A (2017) 157-162.
2. Yamada Y, Matsumura C, Yamada K, Teshima K, Hiroshima T, Kinoshita M,
Suzuki S, Kakehi K, Combination of SDS-PAGE and intact mass analysis for
rapid determination of heterogeneities in monoclonal antibody therapeutics,
Electrophoresis (2017) 1344-1352
3. Nagatomo Y, Hashimoto S, Kishimoto Y, Hayakawa T, Yamamoto S, Kinoshita M Suzuki S Online Cleanup Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Glycoprotein-Derived
Oligosaccharides Labeled with 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin, Chromatography
(2017) 23-30
4. Yamamoto S, Himeno M, Kobayashi M, Akamatsu M, Satoh R, Kinoshita M, Sugiura
R, Suzuki S Microchip electrophoresis utilizing an in situ photopolymerized Phos-tag
binding polyacrylamide gel for specific entrapment and analysis of phosphorylated
compounds, Analyst (2017) 3416-3423
1. Takeda Y, Hayashi Y, Utamura N, Takamoto C, Kinoshita M, Yamamoto S, Hayakawa
T, Suzuki S, Capillary Electrochromatography Using Monoamine- and Triamine-bonded
Silica Nanoparticles as Pseudostationary Phases, J. Chromatogr. A (2016) 170-176
2. Yamamoto S, Kinoshita M, Suzuki S, Current landscape of protein glycosylation
analysis and recentprogress toward a novel paradigm of glycoscience research,
J, Pharm. Biomed. Anal. (2016) 273-300
1. Yamamoto S, Nagai E, Asada Y, Kinoshita M Suzuki S., A Rapid and Highly
Sensitive Microchip Electrophoresis of Mono- and Mucin-type Oligosaccharides
Labeled with 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2015) 1499-1503
2. Yamamoto S, Tamata Y, Sejima K, Kinoshita M Suzuki S., Chiral Separation
of D/L-Aldoses by Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography Using a Chiral
Derivatization Reagent and a Phenylboronic Acid Complex. Anal. Bioanal.
Chem. (2015) 6201-6206
3. Yamamoto S, Iwata T, Nishiwaki K, Kinoshita M Suzuki S, Synthesis of Quaternary Ammonium Derivatives of Cellulose as the Coating
Reagents for Capillary Electrophoresis. Chromatography (2015) 93-98
1. Iwatsuka K, Iwamoto H, Kinoshita M, Inada K, Yasueda S, Kakehi K., Comparative
Studies of N-Glycans and Glycosaminoglycans Present in SIRC (Statens Seruminstitut
Rabbit Cornea) Cells and Corneal Epithelial Cells from Rabbit Eyes. Curr
Eye Res. (2014) 686-694
2. Kinoshita M, Mitsui Y, Kakoi N, Yamada K, Hayakawa T, Kakehi K., Common
glycoproteins expressing polylactosamine-type glycans on matched patient
primary and metastatic melanoma cells show different glycan profiles, J
Proteome Res. 13(2) (2014) 1021-1033
3. Suzuki S., Highly Sensitive Methods Using Liquid Chromatography and
Capillary Electrophoresis for Quantitative Analysis of Glycoprotein Glycans
different glycan profiles, Chromatography 35 (2014) 1-22
4. Yagi Y, Kakehi K, Hayakawa T, Suzuki S., Application of Microchip Electrophoresis
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate for the Evaluation of Change of Degradation Species
of Therapeutic Antibodies in Stability Testing, Anal. Sci. 30 (2014) 483-488 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.2116/analsci.30.483