スパイス・ハーブの機能と応用 素材編 第3章 単子葉植物 1 アヤメ科(サフラン)
監修:森川敏生 共著 角谷晃司
シーエムシー出版(2020) ISBN978-4-7813-1521-8
An illustrated Manual of Electric Field Screens-Their Structures and Functions.
図解 静電場スクリーン その構造と機能
薬用食品の開発U‐薬用・有用植物の機能性食品素材への応用‐ 《普及版》
大地からの贈り物 サラシア
ISBN 978-4-7792-2010-4
監修 サラシア属植物普及協会
製作・監修 豊田秀吉、松田克礼、野々村照雄、角谷晃司
Principles and Applications of Electric Field Screen
Toyoda H., Matsuda Y. Kusakari S., Nonomura T, Kakutani K., Takikawa Y., Xu L., Zhu P.
Research Association of Electric Field Screen Supporters
エヌ・ティー・エス(2013) 317-327
植物病の探究 In Pursuit of the Essence of Plant Pathogenesis「植物病の探究」出版会 2004
新農業環境工学、養賢堂 2004
Direct RT-PCR amplification of mature mRNAs in single trichome cells of plant leaves
Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, M. Nishimura, M. Wada,T. Nonomura, H. Toyoda
Recent Res. Devel. Cell Biol.(2003)
Chitinase gene-transformed phylloepiphytic bacteria for biological control of phyllophagous insect pests of tomato
H. Toyoda, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, Y. Takikawa, Y. Otsu, H. Mori, K. Kakutani
Chitin Enzymology 179-184, 2001
Gene cloning for chitinase and chitosanase and their cooperative application to plant protection - a molecular basis for enzyme-linked biocontrol of filamentous phytopathogenic fungi-
Y. Matsuda, K. Kashimoto, R. Saito, Y. Iida, Y. Takikawa, S. Ikeda, T. Shinogi, K. Kakutani ,T. Nonomura, H. Toyoda
Chitin Enzymology, 71-78, 2001
A Promising Physical Pest-Control System Demonstrated in a Greenhouse Equipped With Simple Electrostatic Devices That Excluded All Insect Pests: A Review.
Y. Takikawa, K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, S. Kusakari and H. Toyoda.
Journal of Agricultural Science; 11(18),1-20 (2019)
A Simple Electrostatic Apparatus for Controlling Weeds on Slopes without Causing Soil Erosion.
Yoshinori Matsuda, Koji Kakutani, Hideyoshi Toyoda.
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 12(1) 1-7 (2024)
Electrostatic Strategies in Public Health: Current Uses and Future Innovations for Controlling Biological and Environmental Threat.
Koji Kakutani, Yoshinori Matsuda, Yoshihiro Takikawa, Hideyoshi Toyoda.
American Journal of Public Health Research 11(6) 211-218 (2023)
Unattended Electric Weeder (UEW): A Novel Approach to Control Floor Weeds in Orchard Nurseries.
Yoshinori Matsuda, Koji Kakutani, Hideyoshi Toyoda.
Agronomy 13(7) 1954-1954 (2023)
Hyperparasitic Fungi against Melon Powdery Mildew Pathogens: Quantitative Analysis of Conidia Released from Single Colonies of Podosphaera xanthii Parasitised by Ampelomyces.
Yutaka Kimura, Márk Z. Németh, Kana Numano, Asami Mitao, Tomomi Shirakawa, Diána Seress, Yoshihiro Takikawa, Koji Kakutani, Yoshinori Matsuda, Levente Kiss, Teruo Nonomura
Agronomy 13(5) 1204-1204 (2023)
A Simple and Safe Electrostatic Method for Managing Houseflies Emerging from Underground Pupae.
Koji Kakutani, Yoshinori Matsuda,Hideyoshi Toyoda.
Agronomy 13(2) 310-310 (2023)
Real-Time Collection of Conidia Released from Living Single Colonies of Podosphaera aphanis on Strawberry Leaves under Natural Conditions with Electrostatic Techniques.
Shuka Ayabe, Yutaka Kimura, Naoki Umei, Yoshihiro Takikawa, Koji Kakutani, Yoshinori Matsuda, Teruo Nonomura. Plants 11(24) 3453-3453 (2022)
Unattended Trapping of Whiteflies Driven out of Tomato Plants onto a Yellow-Colored Double-Charged Dipolar Electric Field Screen.
Yoshihiro Takikawa, Yoshinori Matsuda, Koji Kakutani, Teruo Nonomura,Hideyoshi Toyoda
Horticulturae 8(9) 764-764 (2022)
An Electrostatic Pest Exclusion Strategy for Greenhouse Tomato Cultivation.
Koji Kakutani, Yoshinori Matsuda, Teruo Nonomura, Hideyoshi Toyoda
Horticulturae 8(6) 543-543 (2022)
Simultaneous Detection of Plant- and Fungus-Derived Genes Constitutively Expressed in Single Pseudoidium neolycopersici-Inoculated Type I Trichome Cells of Tomato Leaves via Multiplex RT-PCR and Nested PCR.
S. Iwasaki, N. Okada, Y. Kimura, Y. Takikawa, T. Suzuki, K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, Y. Bai, and T. Nonomura.
Agriculture 2022, 12, 254
Inhibitory Effects of Blue Light-Emitting Diode Irradiation on Podosphaera xanthii Conidial Release and Infection of Melon Seedlings T. Suzuki, S. Iwasaki, H. Hisazumi,A. Miyamoto, H. Ogami, Y. Takikawa, K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, Y. Bai, and T. Nonomura Agriculture 2022, 12, 198
Selective arcing electrostatically eradicates rice weevils in rice grains.
K. Kakutani, Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda.
Insects 2021, 12(6), 522
A Simple Electrostatic Precipitator for Trapping Virus Particles Spread via Droplet Transmission.
K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, Y. Takikawa, T.Takami and H. Toyoda.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(9), 4934
Ampelomyces strains isolated from diverse
powdery mildew hosts in Japan: Their
phylogeny and mycoparasitic activity,
including timing and quantifying mycoparasitism of Pseudoidium neolycopersici
on tomato.
M. Nemeth, Y. Mizuno, H. Kobayashi, D. Seress,
N. Shishido, Y. Kimura, S. Takamatsu, T. Suzuki,
Y. Takikawa, K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, L. Kiss, T. Nonomura.
PLoS ONE 16(5): e0251444(2021)
Remote-Controlled Monitoring of Flying Pests with an Electrostatic Insect Capturing Apparatus Carried by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, Y. Takikawa, K. Osamura and H. Toyoda.
Agriculture, 11(2), 176 (2021)
Correlation between total hypha length and haustoria number of Pseudoidium neolycopersici in type I trichome cells of tomato leaves.
T. Suzuki, Y. Nakao, R. Ura, M. Nakaba, T. Nishiyama, Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, Y. Bai and T. Nonomura.
Australasian Plant Pathology, 49, 451–460(2020)
Use of Pulsed Arc Discharge Exposure to Impede Expansion of the Invasive Vine Pueraria montana.
Y. Matsuda, Y. Takikawa, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura, K. Okada, S. Kusakari and H. Toyoda.
Agriculture, 10(12), 600(2020)
Body Water-Mediated Conductivity Actualizes the Insect-Control Functions of Electric Fields in Houseflies.
Y. Takikawa, T. Takami and K. Kakutani
Insects, 11(9), 561(2020)
Analysis of pole-ascending-descending action by insects subjected to high voltage electric fields.
Y. Matsuda, Y. Takikawa, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura, and H. Toyoda.
Insects, 11(3), 187(2020)
Ethological analysis of unique pole-ascending/descending action by insects subjected to attractive force in high voltage-mediated electric fields.
Y. Matsuda, Y. Takikawa, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura, H. Toyoda.
Insects, (2020)
Exclusion of Flying Insect Pests From a Plastic Hoop Greenhouse by a Bamboo Blind-Type Electric Field Screen.
Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, S. Kusakari and H. Toyoda.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 12(2), 50-60(2020)
Quantitative analysis of the lifelong production of conidia released from single colonies of Podosphaera xanthii on melon leaves using electrostatic techniques.
T. SuzukiR. NakamuraN. TakagiY. TakikawaK. KakutaniY. MatsudaK. MatsuiT. Nonomura.
Australasian Plant Pathology, 48(3), 297–307(2019)
Effects of light quality on conidiophore
formation of the melon powdery mildew
pathogen Podosphaera xanthii.
T. Suzuki, S. Nishimura, K. Yagi, R. Nakamura, Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura.
Phytoparasitica, 46, 31-43( 2018)
A Simple Electrostatic Device for Eliminating Tobacco Sidestream to Prevent Passive Smoking.
Matsuda Y., Kakutani K., Nonomura T., Takikawa Y., Okada K., Shibao M., Miyama K., Yokoo S., Kusakari S., Toyoda H.
Instruments, 2(3), 13(2018)
Electrocution of mosquitoes in a piggery by a novel electrostatic window screen to minimize mosquito transmission of Japanese encephalitis virus.
Kakutani K., Matsuda Y., Takikawa Y., Nonomura T., Okada K., Shibao M., Kusakari S., Miyama K. and Toyoda H.
International Journal of Scientific Research, 7(5), 47-50(2018)
Selective electrostatic eradication of Sitophilus oryzae nesting in stored rice.
Matsuda Y., Takikawa Y., Nonomura T., Kakutani K., Okada K., Shibao M., Kusakari S., Miyama K. and Toyoda H.
J. Food Technol Pres, 2(1), 15-20(2018)
Trichomes: interaction sites of tomato leaves with biotrophic powdery mildew pathogens.
Suzuki T., MurakamiT., Takizumi Y., Ishimaru H., Kudo D., Takikawa Y. Matsuda Y., Kakutani K., Bai Y. and Nonomura T.
European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150(1), 115-125( 2018)
Elimination of whiteflies colonising greenhouse tomato plants using an electrostatic flying insect catcher.
Takikawa Y., Matsuda Y., Nonomura T., Kakutani K., Okada K., Shibao M., Kusakari S., Toyoda H.
Int. J. Cur. Advan. Res.,6(8):5517-5521(2017)
Successful single-truss cropping cultivation of healthy tomato seedlings raised in an electrostatically guarded nursery cabinet with non-chemical control of whiteflies. Kakutani K., Matsuda Y., Nonomura T., Takikawa Y., Okada K., Shibao M., Kusakari S., Toyoda H.
Global J. Pests, Diseases and Crop Protection,5 (4):269-275(2017)
Electrostatic elimination of fine smoke particles by a newly devised air purification screen.
Takikawa Y, Matsuda Y, Nonomura T, Kakutani K, Kusakari S, Toyoda H .
IJSRAS ., 5, 17-21, (2017)
An electrostatic-barrier-forming window that captures airborne pollen grains to prevent pollinosis.
Takikawa Y, Matsuda Y, Nonomura T, Kakutani K, Kusakari S, Toyoda H.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health., 14(82),1-5, (2017)(Corresponding author)
Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA insertion for mutagenesis assessed by the production of hairy roots emitting melon fruit odours.
K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, H. Toyoda, Y. Takikawa.
Acta Horticulturae, 1145,17-22, (2016)
Micropipette extraction-based PCR amplification of mRNAs in single friable tomato callus cells.
Y. Takikawa, H. Toyoda, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani.
Acta Horticulturae, 1145,23-29, (2016)
Micropipette extraction-based PCR amplification of mature mRNAs in single trichome cells of tomato leaves.
T. Nonomura, Y. Matsuda, H. Toyoda, Y. Takikawa, K. Kakutani.
Acta Horticulturae, 1145,31-37, (2016)
An electrostatic nursery shelter for raising pest-free and pathogen-free tomato
seedlings in an open-window greenhouse environment.
Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, K. Okada, S. Morikawa, S. Kusakari, H. Toyoda
Journal of Agricultural Science 8(4),13-25(2016)
rDNA ITS 領域の塩基配列による Salacia chinensis の鑑別
中村恭子, 赤木淳二, 石伏史明, 谷 恭輔, 森川敏生, Pongpiriyadacha Yutana, 村岡 修, 早川堯夫, 角谷晃司
生薬学雑誌,69, 53-58 (2015).
薬用植物研究, 37(1), 22-28(2015)
Electrostatic Insect Sweeper for Eliminating Whiteflies Colonizing Host Plants: A Complementary Pest Control Device in An Electric Field Screen-Guarded Greenhouse.
Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura, S. Kusakari, K. Okada, J. Kimbara, K. Osamura and H. Toyoda
Insects , 6, 442-454 (2015)
Development of an electrostatic trap with an insect discharge recorder for multiple real-time monitoring of pests prowling in a warehouse.
Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, S. Kusakari and H. Toyoda.
Int. J. Adv. Agric. Res. , 3, 55-63 (2015)
Safe housing ensured by an electric field screen that excludes insect-net permeating haematophagous mosquitoes carrying human pathogens.
Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura, J. Kimbara, K. Osamura, S. Kusakar and H Toyoda
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 646 (2015) 012002
Avoidance of an electric field by insects: Fundamental biological phenomenon for an electrostatic pest-exclusion strategy.
Y Matsuda, T Nonomura, K Kakutani, J Kimbara, K Osamura, S Kusakari and H Toyoda
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 646 (2015) 012003
Defence responses of Aphanoregma patens (Hedw.) Lindb. to inoculation with Pythium aphanidermatum.
Y. Takikawa, S. Kida, F. Asayama, T. Nonomura, Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, H. Toyoda
Journal of Bryology, 37(1), 1-7,(2015)
Electrostatic guarding of bookshelves for mould-free preservation of valuable library books.
TakikawaY., Matsuda Y., Nonomura T., Kakutani K., Kimbara J., Osamura K.,
Kusakari S., Toyoda H.
Aerobiologia (2014), 30(4), 435-444
Electrostatic Insect Sweeper for Eliminating Whiteflies Colonizing Host Plants: A Complementary Pest Control Device in An Electric Field Screen-Guarded Greenhouse
Takikawa Y., Matsuda Y., Kakutani K., Nonomura T., Kusakari S., Okada K., Kimbara J., Osamura K., Toyoda H.
Insects (2015), 6(2), 442-454(Corresponding author)
Prevention of Whitefly Entry from a Greenhouse Entrance by Furnishing an Airflow-Oriented Pre-Entrance Room Guarded with Electric Field Screens
T. Nonomura, Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, Y. Takikawa, J. Kimbara, K. Osamura, S. Kusakari, H. Toyoda
Journal of Agricultural Science(2014) 6:172-183 (Corresponding author)
Electrostatic measurement of dischargeable electricity and bioelectric potentials produced by muscular movements in ?ies
T. Nonomura, Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, J. Kimbara, K. Osamura, S. Kusakari, H. Toyoda
Journal of Electrostatics(2014) 72,1-5
Targeted destruction of fungal structures of Erysiphe trifoliorum on flat leaf surfaces of Marchantia polymorphaY. Takikawa, Y. Senga, T. Nonomura, Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, H. Toyoda
Plant Biology (2014)16,291–295
The isolation and identification of a light-induced protein in alfalfa sprouts and the cloning of its specific promoter
Xin Su, Wei-Zhuo Xu, Xin Liu, Rui-Fang Zhuo, Cai-Yun Wang, Xin Zhang, K. Kakutani, Song You.
Gene,(2013) 520, 139–147
An electric field screen prevents captured insects from
escaping by depriving bioelectricity generated through insect movements.
Kakutani K., Matsuda Y., Haneda K., Sekoguchi D., Nonomura T., Kimbara J.,
Kusakari S. and Toyoda H.,
Journal of Electrostatics (2012) 70:207-211
Insects are electrified in an electric field by deprivation
of their negative charge.
Kakutani K., Matsuda Y., Haneda K., Nonomura T., Kimbara J., Kusakari S.
Osamura K.and Toyoda H.,
Annals of Applied Biology (2012)160:250-259
Practical Application of an Electric Field Screen to an Exclusion of Flying Insect
Pests and Airborne Fungal Conidia from Greenhouses with a Good Air Penetration.
Kakutani K., Matsuda Y., Haneda K., Sekoguchi D., Nonomura T., Kimbara J.,
Kusakari S. and Toyoda H.
Journal of Agricultural Science (2012)4: 51-60
An electric field strongly deters whiteflies from entering window-open greenhouses in an electrostatic insect exclusion strategy.
T. Nonomura,Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, ,J. Kimbara, S. Kusakari and H. Toyoda.
Eur. J. Plant Pathol. (2012) 134:661–670
An Oppositely Charged Insect Exclusion Screen with Gap-free Multiple Electric Fields that Captures Insects through Electricity Exchange.
Y. Matsuda, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura, J. Kimbara, S. Kusakari, K. Osamura and H. Toyoda.
Journal of Applied Physics (2012) 112, 116103
Practical Application of an Electric Field Screen to an Exclusion of Flying Insect Pests and Airborne Fungal Conidia from Greenhouses with a Good Air Penetration.
Kakutani K., Matsuda Y., Nonomura T., Kimbara J., Kusakari S. and Toyoda H.,
Journal of Agricultural Science (2012) 4:51-60
An Electric Field Screen can Create Pest-free Space with Better Air Penetration in Open-window Greenhouses.
K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, H. Toyoda , J. Kimbara and S. Kusakari
Acta Horticulturae(2012)952:559-566
Conidia of Erysiphe tnifoliorum attempt penetration twice during a two-step germination process on non-host barley leaves and an artificial hydrophobic surface.
Takikawa Y., Kakutani K., Nonomura T., Matsuda Y. and Toyoda H.
Mycoscience (2011) 52:204-209.
Vacuum Ultraviolet Light for Inducing Mutations that Lead to Morphological
Changes in Plants.
Takikawa Y., Kakutani K. and Takikawa Y. An Argon Excimer Lamp as a Source of
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (2011) 80:095002.
Conidia of the tomato powdery mildew 0idium neolycopersici initiate
germ tubes at a predetermined site.
Takikawa Y., Xu L.,Kakutani K., Nonomura T, Sameshima T., Matsuda Y. and
Toyoda H.
Mycoscience (2011) 52:198-203.
A newly devised electric field screen for avoidance and capture of cigarette beetles and vinegar flies.
Matsuda Y., Nonomura T., Kakutani K., Takikawa Y., Kimbara J., Kasaishi Y., Osamura K., Kusakari S., Toyoda H.
Crop Protection, (2011)30, 155-162
Polymorphic change of appressoria by the tomato powdery mildew Oidium neolycopersici on host tomato leaves reflects multiple unsuccessful penetration attempts.
Nonomura T., Nishitomi A., Matsuda Y., Soma C., Xu L., Kakutani K., Takikawa Y., Toyoda H.
Fungal Biology, (2010) 114, 917-928
Tryptophan synthesis block-associated sugar response, a physiological marker for rapid selection of Arabidopsis thaliana transformants, marked with feedback-inhibition-insensitive anthranilate synthase gene.
T. Nonomura, S. Komaki, L. Xu, N. Moriura, H. Ioroi, S. Takashima, K. Kakutani, Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, and H. Toyoda.
Plant Breeding 128, 282—289 (2009) (Corresponding author)
Trichome exudates of Lycopersicon pennellii form a chemical barrier to suppress leaf-surface germination of Oidium neolycopersici conidia.
T. Nonomura, Ling Xu, M. Wada, S. Kawamura, T. Miyajima, A. Nishitomi, K. Kakutani, Y. Takikawa, Y. Matsuda, H. Toyoda.
Plant Science, 17(1), 31-37, 2009.(Corresponding author)
KAMPO EYES 45, 16-18(2009)
Collection of highly germinative pseudochain conidia of Oidium neolycopersici from conidiophores by electrostatic attraction.
T. Nonomura, Y. Matsuda, L. Xu, K. Kakutani, Y. Takikawa, H. Toyoda.
Mycological Research 113, 364-372(2009)(Corresponding author)
Identification of DNA polymorphisms in Angelica acutiloba
Jun Murata, Hiroyuki Oki, Koji Kakutani, Takashi Hashimoto
Plant Biotechnology 25, 157–163 (2008)
Antioxidant constituents in the dayflower (Commelina communis L.) and their a-glucosidase-inhibitory activity
Makio Shibano, Koji Kakutani, Masahiko Taniguchi, Masahide Yasuda, Kimiye Baba
J Nat Med 1340-3443 (Print) 1861-0293 (Online) (2008)
Genetic variation of sweet potato weevils, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Brentidae), in main infested areas in the world based upon the internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region.
K. Kawamura, T. Sugimoto, K. Kakutani, Y. Matsuda and H. Toyoda.
Appl. Entomol. Zool. 42 (1): 89–96 (2007)
Consecutive monitoring of lifelong production of conidia by individual conidiophores of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei on barley leaves by digital microscopic techniques with electrostatic micromanipulation.
N. Moriura, Y. Matsuda, W. Oichi, S. Nakashima, T. Hirai, T. Sameshima, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, S. Kusakari, K. Higashi and H. Toyoda,
Mycological Research, 110(1),18-27(2006)
A New Spore Precipitator with Polarized Dielectric Insulators for Physical Control of Tomato Powdery Mildew
Y. Matsuda, H. lkeda, N. Moriura, N. Tanaka, K. Shimizu, W. Oichi, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, S. Kusakari, K. Higashi, and H. Toyoda
An apparatus for collecting total conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei from leaf colonies using electrostatic attraction.
N. Moriura, Y. Matsuda, W. Oichi, S. Nakashima, T. Hirai,T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, S. Kusakari, K. Higashi, and H. Toyoda
Plant Patology,55,367-374(2006)
Consecutive monitoring of lifelong production of conidia by individual conidiophores of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei on barley leaves by digital microscopic techniques with electrostatic micromanipulation
Nobuyuki Moriura, Yoshinori Matsuda, Wataru Oichi, Shinya Nakashima, Tatsuo Hirai, Takeshi Sameshima, Teruo Nonomura, Koji Kakutani, Shin-ichi Kusakari, Katsuhide Higashi and Hideyoshi Toyoda
Mycological Research, 110(1),18-27, 2005
Identification of individual powdery mildew fungi infecting leaves and direct detection of gene expression by single conidium.
Matsuda Y, Sameshima T, Moriura N, Inoue K, Nonomura T, Kakutani K, Nishimura H, Kusakari S, Takamatsu S, Toyoda H
Phytopathology, 95(10), 1137-1143,2005
RT-PCR amplification of m RNAs in nuclei or cytosol of single cells of tomato callus after micropipette extraction
M. Wada, Y.Matsuda, F. Fujita, A. Nanjo, M. Nishimura, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, H. Toyoda
Plant Cell. Tissue and Organ Culture, 79,109-114(2004)
薬学総合研究所紀要 13, 103-111(2004)
Consecutive monitoring for conidiogenesis by Oidium neolycopersici on tomato leaves with a high-fidelity digital microscope "
W..Oichi, Y. Matsuda, T. Sameshima, T.Nonomura, K.Kakutani, H.Nishimura, S.Kusakari, H.Toyoda
Journal of General Plant Pathology, 70, 329-332(2004)
Cytological events in tomato leaves inoculated with conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei and Oidium neolycopersici KTP-01
T. Sameshima, K. Kashimoto, K. Kida, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, K.Nakata, S. Kusakari, H. Toyoda
Journal of General Plant Pathology, 70, 7-10(2004)
Powdery mildew pathogens can suppress the chitinase gene expression induced in detached inner epidermis of barley coleoptile
K. Fujita, Y. Matsuda, M. Wada, Y. Hirai, K. Mori, N. Moriura, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, H. Toyoda
Plant Cell Reports, 23, 504-511(2004)
K. Kakutani
薬学総合研究所紀要, Vol. 12, 133-138(2003)
Antigen selectivity characteristic of polyclonal antibodies against omega-conotoxin GVIA and N-type voltage-dependent calcium channels
S. Ichida, J. Abe, W. Sugimoto, M. Uematsu, K. Komoike, K. Imoto, M. Mori, T. Wada, T. Minami, K. Kakutani
Neurochemical Research, Vol. 28, 89-796(2003)
Evaluation for efficient hairy root production assessed by GFP-gene expression in tomato cultivars inoculated with Agrobacterium rhizogenes MAFF07-20001
Fukumoto, T., T. Nonomura, Y. Matsuda, S. Komaki, N. Moriura, K. Kakutani, A. Sawabe and H. Toyoda
Plant Biotechonology, Vol. 20, No. 3, 257-261(2003)
Efficient Release of Overproduced Gene Products from Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) by Lytic Infection with Newly Isolated Bacteriophages
Y. Iida, Y. Matsuda, R. Saito, M. Nakasato, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, Y. Tosa, S. Mayama, H. Toyoda"
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. Vol. 67, No. 1, 198-202(2003)
Infectivity of a Japanese isolate of Oidium neolycopersici KTP-01 to a European tomato cultivar resistant to O. lycopersici
K. Kashimoto, T. Sameshima, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, W. Oichi, K. Kakutani, K. Nakata, S. Kusakari, H. Toyoda
J. Gen. Plant Pathol. Vol .69, 406-408 (2003)
Rapid Detection of Chitosanase Activity in Chitosanase Gene-Transformed Strain of Enterobacter cloacae by Lytic Infection of Specific Bacteriophages
Y. Takikawa, Y. Ishii, K. Fujiwara, Y. Maysuda, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, Y. Tosa, S. Mayama, H. Toyoda
J. Gen. Plant Pathol. Vol. 69, 131-137 (2003)
甘草(Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)のグルクロン酸転移酵素遺伝子の解析
K. Kakutani
薬学総合研究所紀要, Vol. 11, 105-110 (2003)
Morphological and Molecular Characterization for a Japanese Isolate of Tomato Powdery Mildew Oidium neolycopersici and Its Host Range
K. Kashimoto, Y. Matsuda,K. Matsutani, T. sameshima, K. Kakutani, T. Nonomura, K. Okada, S. Kausakari, K. Nakata, S. Takematsu, H. Toyoda
J. Gen. Plant Pathol. Vol. 69, 179-185 (2003)
K. Kakutani
Kampo Eyes, 3, 4 (2002)
Rapid Detection of Phylloplane Bacterium Enterobacter cloacae Based on Chitinase Gene Transformation and Lytic Infection by Specific Bacteriophages
Y. Takikawa, H. Mori, Y. Otsu, Y. Matsuda, T. Nonomura, K. Kakutani, Y. Tosa, S. Mayama, H. Toyoda
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 93, 1042-1050 (2002)
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カンゾウ属植物のRandom Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD)分析による分類,特に,Glycyrrhiza glabra L.とG. uralensis F.の識別
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In vitro Suppression of mycelial growth of Fusarium oxysporum by extracellular chitosanase of Sphingobacterium multivorum and cloning of the chitisanase gene csnSM1
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Burkholderia cepacia からクローニングしたキチナーゼ遺伝子の塩基配列の決定
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産経新聞(2008年9月5日バイオ実習) ヘルスライフビジネス(平成20年 10月15日アンチエイジング)
『ニュートン別冊 近畿大学大解剖 vol.2』 7月27日(火)発行 近畿大学全6キャンパス、理系9学部の最新研究を紹介 2021.7.21 飛沫で浮遊するウイルスを水に回収、殺菌に成功 除菌機能をもつ空気清浄機やウイルス量モニタリングへの応用に期待 2021.6.7
静電気で花粉を99%カットするブラインドが面白い 2021.5.6
角谷晃司 植物工場における薬用植物など機能性植物の栽培・生産の展望 技術情報センター(講演) 2019.6.27
新潟県工業技術総合研究所 平成26年度 「第2回 植物工場研究会」
新潟県工業技術総合研究所 平成26年度 「第2回 植物工場研究会」
角谷 晃司
植物工場システムによる 薬用植物の栽培・生産技術と販売開拓戦略
角谷 晃司
植物工場における 薬用植物(機能性植物)の栽培・生産技術
角谷 晃司
シャクヤクの育苗方法 特願2009-283519
シャクヤクの組織培養法および褐変化抑制方法 特願2008-079428
特開 2005-040205